
Business Students Learn Power of Social Media

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This year, the Senior High School added a new course to its business education department called Social Media: The Digital Generation.

In the course, students learn how to utilize the power of the internet and social media to enhance their understanding of its relationship to successful business practices. Some of the topics explored include building a strong web presence, leveraging social media, creating and uploading video content, exploring blended and distance learning and using mobile devices as learning tools. Students engage in a cross-district, multischool collaborative project focusing on the creation of a positive and sustainable web presence and digital profile.

West Babylon students collaborate with students from other Long Island districts through Google and face-to-face onsite meetings. The students compete in groups and work on a final presentation about the impact of the internet and social media. On Oct. 12, 23 Senior High School students attended the kickoff meeting at SUNY Stony Brook. Students were grouped with those from other districts, participated in team-building activities, were introduced to their topic for presentation and gave an elevator pitch of their ideas. 

“Digital Generation is a blended learning course that helps students use the power of the internet and social media to enhance web presence, digital profile and build a personal brand,” said Katharine Reilly-Johnson, 9-12 Business Ed., F.A.C.S. and Tech. Ed. chairperson. “Students explore how social media affects society, the economy, privacy, misinformation, relationships and entrepreneurship.”

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 10/16/2023